List of the most dangerous cities in the world

Do you know who is the most dangerous countries in the world? 
Travel all over the world is a great way to spend your vacation time, but not all cities look just as charming in travel brochures as each big city problems, and some are a little worse than others. Today we would like your review a list of the most dangerous cities in the world.

Barquisimeto, Venezuela 

Although the city of Barquisimeto in Venezuela has a little over a million people, you see this city murders almost every day. And making the subject worse for Venezuela that this city is the capital of education, where they have a large number of expatriate students in universities and other places of higher education. And has been in this city time and not yet a thriving tourist destination, but it is now considered a very dangerous area until it became most tourists shunned for it.

Peshawar, Pakistan 

The city of Peshawar in Pakistan are considered dangerous elsewhere in the world, where rival tribes and warlords for supremacy and power, so they are considered unsafe, especially for foreigners tourists. So despite the fact that the city has very stunning monuments and picturesque gardens. But are usually targeting security forces and the occurrence of explosions and unfortunately it makes from Peshawar and one of the most dangerous cities in the world in this period.

Sanaa, Yemen 

Sanaa is an Arab country is very beautiful, but unfortunately it seems unstable politically from abroad because of the large share of the problems which have suffered recently. Where it is said that in recent studies of the capital Sanaa, is one of the most dangerous places in the world but perhaps exaggeration to overcome such studies according to the source, who produced. In contrast, many of those who allow him to visit the city of Sanaa, enjoy a visit this beautiful Arab city where there is a large section of the city of Sanaa buildings designed characteristically reflects the history and civilization and culture embedded in them.

Acapulco, Mexico 

Has always been a city of Acapulco in Mexico a very popular tourist destination. But these days, do not see the picturesque beaches where a lot of movement or the tourist boom. Where drug gangs have become a widespread problem in all parts of Mexico has worsened over the past decade. Become corpses lying on the beaches is very common, especially in this coastal city, making it a place is desirable tourist.

Distrito Central, Honduras 

While there are no large city is immune from violence, Distrito Central exceed the usual limit of violence in such major cities. Where that this city has the highest murder rate in all parts of the world, and perhaps it was because of extreme poverty, government corruption and the presence of heavy mafia. Distrito Central is actually three cities combined in one city. The high level of violence deters tourists, most of them with the exception of hotheads.

Maceio, Brazil 

Brazil has 14 of the most violent and dangerous cities in the world. The city where Masayo Qaúdthm dangerous and is the capital of the state of Alagoas, which is experiencing this city about 135 murders per 100 thousand inhabitants in each year. And on top of this city of Rio de Janeiro, which most people know their neighborhoods poor.

Mogadishu, Somalia 

Facing the city of Mogadishu, the Somali problems with the Mujahideen Youth Movement ago period, making this region is safe for citizens and tourists alike. And may the United States refused to enter the country for more than two decades, but changed this policy in 2013 when sent military advisers to Mogadishu to help the locals solve the problem militant, and despite all the aid, however, the region is still very serious.

Nairobi, Kenya 

The city of Nairobi in Africa, the continent with a long history of violence and war. Nairobi has suffered greatly in recent years in terms of violence, abandoned by most tourists because of its seriousness in particular for women. Unfortunately say that with that Kenya is a beautiful country that has a lot to offer but the fact remains that no one should be walking around in this city for the night of the severity of the risk.

Chihuahua, Mexico 

The problems of violence in Mexico is big enough to justify access to two on this list. In fact, there are many Mexican cities on the list of cities most violent and dangerous in the world, but because of the Chihuahua is characterized by smuggling cocaine into the United States. The drug gangs have taken refuge from this region, and is not uncommon to see random battles in the streets because of these bands, making it inhospitable place never to visit or to live.

Cali, Colombia 

Many cities in this list are located in Latin America or South, and this for a very good reason is that the violence and drug gangs is spreading in many of these cities and countries. Cali, Colombia is not an exception where it occurs what Ikarb80 murders per 100 thousand inhabitants, making it the Bmkana is not a very safe place to live or visit. We say this despite being one of the most beautiful areas in the world.

Are you planning to go to any of these cities? We wish already Aptaadkm for the most dangerous cities in the world and we wish you a safe and enjoyable travel all over the world. 


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